Local women on the way to the market. Length of skirt can indicate age and marital status, while patterns of fabric denote their village.
Date: 02/03/2008
Views: 6401
Local women on the way to the market. Length of skirt can indicate age and marital status, while patterns of fabric denote their village.
Date: 02/03/2008
Views: 5994
We spent a lot of time behind these smoke-belching "chicken buses." Not sure if they were named for hauling chickens, or for the relentless game of "chicken" they played when passing on the narrow mountain roads
Date: 02/03/2008
Views: 5896
Siesta time while selling spices near the entrance to the Chichicastenango market, the largest indigenous market in Central America.
Date: 02/03/2008
Views: 6324
This woman is selling fried pork rinds at the entrance to the market at Chichicastenango (a name we loved to say until we learned it meant "Land of the Nettles," or poison ivy!)
Date: 02/03/2008
Views: 6498
Don trying to "blend" in his Mexican tee shirt, but despite the tan, the gringo gray gives him away. ;-)
Date: 02/03/2008
Views: 5530
I typically refuse to pay for photos, but when the woman asked for an "agua pura" to take her photo, I caved. The colors were just too vivid to resist.