An interesting use of water spouts on the fountain -- "milkmaids" pointing in all four directions -- Don's favorite fountain, of course.
Date: 02/02/2008
Views: 8546
The small central square with the Cathedral in the background.
Date: 02/02/2008
Views: 8410
This line was for the local bank. It was not unique to this one location, as every bank in town had a simliar line during both the morning and evening hours.
Date: 02/02/2008
Views: 8079
One of the typical cobblestone streets of Antigua.
Date: 02/02/2008
Views: 7356
This street is lined with artists sketching the scene of this old ox cart with the volano in the background.
Date: 02/02/2008
Views: 7085
Local Guatemalan women in typical dress sell wares in the street in front of the Artisan Market
Date: 02/02/2008
Views: 7052
Examples of the many vibrant handicrafts and hand weavings for sale.
Date: 02/02/2008
Views: 6261
Women wear woven fabrics folded on their heads as sun visors. I caught this woman refolding hers to reveal a backwards baseball cap underneath.
Date: 02/02/2008
Views: 6306
With Antigua's stunning colonial architecture and vibrant colors of their handicrafts, no wonder it is a photographer's dream.
Date: 02/02/2008
Views: 7628
With Antigua's stunning colonial architecture and vibrant colors of their handicrafts, no wonder it is a photographer's dream.
Date: 02/02/2008
Views: 6334
Wildly colorful weavings and handicrafts inside the Artisan Market
Date: 02/02/2008
Views: 8365
La Merced, one of the famous churches a few blocks from the main plaza.